Death Rider in the House of Vampires
In a world where the supernatural and the Wild West collide, a mysterious gunslinger known as the Death Rider ventures into a vampire sanctuary seeking refuge. The film, directed by Glenn Danzig, features a unique blend of horror and western genres, with a cast that includes Devon Sawa and Julian Sands. As the Rider navigates the treacherous dynamics of the vampire den, he must confront both the undead and his own dark past. This atmospheric tale of bloodlust and redemption can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Glenn Danzig
Actors: Danny Trejo, Devon Sawa, Eli Roth, Glenn Danzig, Julian Sands, Kim Director, Rachele Richey, Tasha Reign, Victor DiMattia, Yulia Klass
Country: United States of America
Company: El Diablo Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $44,736