Death Trip
In the heart of winter, four friends escape their hectic city lives for a weekend retreat at a cottage. Their destination is the remote town of Rideau Ferry, where the few remaining locals are not particularly welcoming to outsiders. As soon as the group of young artists arrives, they are met with the unsettling stares of the neighboring residents, who are enduring the harsh winter in this isolated rural area. During their stay, the friends start to unravel sinister secrets about the people living nearby. The situation takes a terrifying turn when one of them is found brutally attacked on the porch of a neighboring cottage, leading the group to realize that nothing is as it appears.
Director: James Watts
Actors: Brad MacDonald, Brett Howie, Bruce Watts, Garrett Johnson, Joseph Simmons, Kelly Hurcomb, Kelly Kay Hurcomb, Matt Smith, Melina Trimarchi, Tatyana Olal, Zoe Slobodzian
Country: Canada
Company: Good House Digital