In this 2016 film directed by Jean-Marc Vallée, Jake Gyllenhaal stars as Davis Mitchell, a successful investment banker who struggles to cope with the sudden loss of his wife in a tragic car accident. As he navigates his grief, Davis begins to unravel his life, both literally and metaphorically, leading to an unexpected friendship with a customer service representative played by Naomi Watts. The film explores themes of loss, self-discovery, and the cathartic power of destruction. While it did not receive major awards, it offers a compelling narrative and strong performances. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jean-Marc Vallée
Actors: C.J. Wilson, Chris Cooper, Debra Monk, Heather Lind, Jake Gyllenhaal, Judah Lewis, Malachy Cleary, Naomi Watts, Polly Draper, Wass Stevens
Country: United States of America
Company: Black Label Media, Bluebush Productions, Mr. Mudd, Right of Way Films
Worldwide Gross: $4,366,460