Descendants 2
In this vibrant sequel directed by Kenny Ortega, the story continues to follow the lives of the teenage children of Disney’s most infamous villains. As they navigate the challenges of living in the idyllic kingdom of Auradon, they are drawn back to the Isle of the Lost, where they must confront new adversaries and personal dilemmas. The film features a talented cast, including Dove Cameron, Cameron Boyce, and Sofia Carson, who bring their characters to life with energy and charm. While the movie did not receive major awards, it captivated audiences with its catchy musical numbers and dynamic choreography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 17
Genre: Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Music, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Kenny Ortega
Actors: Bobby Moynihan, Booboo Stewart, Brenna D'Amico, Cameron Boyce, China Anne McClain, Dove Cameron, Dylan Playfair, Melanie Paxson, Mitchell Hope, Sofia Carson, Thomas Doherty
Country: United States of America
Company: A 5678 Production, Bad Angels Productions, Disney Channel