Destination: Dewsbury
In the 1980s, a group of five friends were notorious for their wild antics during their school years. Fast forward two decades, and they find themselves stuck in unfulfilling jobs and marriages where they feel unwanted. The group’s former leader, Frankie, is now terminally ill in Yorkshire. Upon hearing the news, the friends reunite for one final chaotic and emotional road trip to Dewsbury, before it’s too late. Imagine the clever humor of The Inbetweeners, combined with the camaraderie of The World’s End, and topped off with the outrageousness of The Hangover, and you have Destination: Dewsbury, set to be one of the most hilarious films of 2018.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Jack Spring
Actors: Anna Dawson, David J. Keogh, David McLelland, Filip Mayer, Maurice Byrne, Michael Kinsey, Richard Mason
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Circus Pictures, Shush Films, Wilde International