Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead
In this 2018 South Korean film, the story follows the quirky and brilliant Detective K as he embarks on a thrilling investigation into a series of mysterious murders linked to the undead. The film stars Kim Myung-min, Oh Dal-su, and Kim Ji-won, who deliver engaging performances that blend humor and suspense. Directed by Kim Suk-Yoon, the movie is the third installment in the popular Detective K series, known for its unique mix of comedy and mystery. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it continues to entertain audiences with its intriguing plot and charismatic characters. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Mystery
Director: Suk-Yoon Kim
Actors: Chang Ryul, Kim Bum, Kim Ji-won, Kim Jung-hwa, Kim Myung-min, Lee Min-ki, Oh Dal-su, Park Geun-hyung, Park Keun-hyong, Woo Hyeon, Yoon Sang-hoon
Country: South Korea
Company: Bakugan Zoobles Comics, DMZ Comics, Generation Blue Films
Worldwide Gross: $18,603,476