Devils on the Doorstep
Set during the final years of the Second Sino-Japanese War, this film explores the complex dynamics between Chinese villagers and their Japanese captors when a local peasant is forced to harbor a Japanese soldier and his translator. The narrative delves into themes of fear, humanity, and the absurdity of war, all portrayed with a blend of dark humor and poignant drama. Directed by Wen Jiang, the film won the Grand Prix at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival, highlighting its critical acclaim. Notable for its stark black-and-white cinematography, the film features compelling performances that bring depth to its characters. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Wen Jiang
Actors: Cai Weidong, Cong Zhijun, David Wu, Ding Yuan, Haibin Li, Hongbo Jiang, Jiang Hongbo, Jiang Wen, Kenya Sawada, Khương Hoành Ba, Li Congxi, Li Haibin, Teruyuki Kagawa, Yuan Ding
Country: China
Company: Asian Union Film & Entertainment, Beijing Zhongbo-Times Film Planning, China Film Co-Production Corporation, CMC Xiandai Trade Co.
Worldwide Gross: $18,944