Diary of the Dead
Directed by the legendary George A. Romero, this 2007 film explores the chaos and fear that ensue when a group of film students encounter a sudden zombie apocalypse. As they document their harrowing journey, the movie delves into themes of media manipulation and the human instinct for survival. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it stands out for its unique found-footage style, offering a fresh perspective within the zombie genre. Notable for its social commentary, the film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: George A. Romero
Actors: Amy Lalonde, Chris Violette, Joe Dinicol, Joshua Close, Michelle Morgan, Philip Riccio, Scott Wentworth, Shawn Roberts, Tatiana Maslany, Todd Schroeder
Country: United States of America
Company: Artfire Films, Bluebush Productions, Romero-Grunwald Productions
Worldwide Gross: $5,540,941