Digimon Adventure Tri. 6
The world is on the brink of destruction. Meicoomon, in a frenzy, absorbs Tailmon, who has undergone a sinister transformation, and evolves into the formidable Ordinemon. As Yggdrasil anticipated, the Digital World is on the verge of consuming the real world. At the same time, Homeostasis deems Ordinemon uncontrollable and initiates its ultimate strategy, which will intertwine with the real world. Now, the DigiDestined must make a crucial choice. What path will they decide for their future?
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Keitaro Motonaga
Actors: Hitomi Yoshida, Junya Enoki, Junya Ikeda, Mao Ichimichi, Mutsumi Tamura, Natsuki Hanae, Suzuko Mimori, Yoshimasa Hosoya
Country: Japan
Company: Lakeshore Entertainment, Toei Animation, Toei Company
Worldwide Gross: $54,324