Dino Time
In a thrilling tale, a daring young boy named Ernie, his sister Julia, and his best friend Max are playing around in the workshop of Max’s inventor father when they inadvertently activate a time machine. This mishap sends them 65 million years into the past, where they encounter a T-Rex named Tyra and her lively dinosaur offspring, Dodger. Together, this unexpected group embarks on an incredible journey through the vibrant prehistoric jungle, all while facing challenges from Tyra’s malicious dinosaur adversaries. Meanwhile, in the present, Max’s father and Ernie and Julia’s overly cautious mother are devising a plan to bring them back safely.
Views: 1
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: John Kafka, Yoon-suk Choi
Actors: Fred Tatasciore, Grey DeLisle, Jane Lynch, Jessica DiCicco, Melanie Griffith, Pamela Adlon, Rob Schneider, Stephen Baldwin, Tara Strong, William Baldwin, Yuri Lowenthal
Country: South Korea, United States of America
Company: CJ Entertainment, Toiion
Worldwide Gross: $6,423,279