In this ensemble comedy-drama, the lives of six strangers intersect as they embark on a journey through the world of karaoke competitions. The film explores themes of connection and self-discovery,…
”A Shot in the Dark” is the fourth episode of the first season of the American police drama television series Homicide: Life on the Street. It originally aired on NBC…
One month after St. Eligius was shut down, it is reopened by The Ecumena Corporation and its head of medicine Dr. John Gideon. Meanwhile, Dr. Craig is offered the opportunity…
The representative of a foreign medical group interested in the hospital visits to absorb the psychic `aura’ of the place (via flashbacks) but collapses from a heart attack before he…
A depressed Father Joseph McCabe returns to St. Eligius; Morrison receives a visitor from Seattle; Dr. Craig seeks help for his injured hand from an old classmate; one of Axelrod’s…
The Endicotts try to adjust to losing a family member but gain good news about another; Dr. Caldwell’s diagnosis of AIDS causes concern for his friends and a cooling in…
The hospital review board acquires a new member from the psychiatric floor; Chandler experiences long-suppressed resentments when he treats a Vietnamese patient; and Dr. Turner counsels an upwardly mobile couple…
Mrs. Auschlander faces major heart surgery; Dr. Craig is disturbed to see the ravages of time on his mentor, Dr. David Domedion; Ehrlich searches for a religion; the messiah shows…
Westphall’s old friend, Capt. Gloria Neal, arrives to make sure everything is prepared for an emergency as the First Lady passes through the area; Ehrlich creates anguish for a mother…
Dr. Auschlander suggests a controversial liver dialysis procedure for Wegener’s little girl, using her father’s liver to do the work; Cavanero is stung by the same rumor she started about…
Dr. Westphall bans Sister Dominica from the hospital; the firefighters try to adjust to their injuries; Fiscus meets a fairy godmother; White returns to work; Clancy takes matters concerning her…
Morrison and Clancy argue over what to do about her unexpected pregnancy; Rosenthal and Dr. Auschlander fail to agree about anything as a nurses’ strike looms; the emergency room receives…
Three women in a room become close despite their differences; an old woman facing the loss of her independence; a mother trying to deal with violent surges of erratic behavior;…
Dr. Craig and Ehrlich both prepare turkeys for the staff forced to work the holiday; injuries from the Thanksgiving Day parade pour into the ER; and a depressed Dr. Auschlander…
Morrison tries to reason with a patient determined to drink himself to death; Chandler faces a malpractice suit after a patient dies unexpectedly in an elevator; White goes crazy with…
Samuels operates on a hooker, who invites all her friends to visit her; Myra White gives her estranged husband some news; the racial tensions reach a climax when the truth…