In the aftermath of yet another bloodbath, Sam, Sookie and Jason find themselves the bearers of bad news in Bon Temps and beyond. Pam recalls the events that led her…
A dandy arrives by stage coach and immediately begins exploring how to bring culture to the camp, Alma and Hearst negotiate business, and Hearst’s Aunt Lou comes to camp.
Jarry worries that Bullock and George Hearst will side with Montana on the annexation issue and a showdown looms between Wu and Lee. Andy Cramed holds his first religious service,…
Cochran’s ominous prognosis puts the camp on alert. Smallpox survivor Andy Cramed returns as a minister. Swearengen asks an unlikely pair to pull a scam on Commissioner Jarry. Martha Bullock…
Doc Cochran advises Dan and Johnny how to help Swearengen’s recovery. Thriving business at a new brothel leads to a startling discovery by Tolliver. Merrick gets a scoop from Yankton…