When the Wind Blows
7.7 1h 24min
When the Wind Blows
In this poignant animated film directed by Jimmy T. Murakami, an elderly British couple, voiced by John Mills and Peggy Ashcroft, navigate the aftermath of a nuclear attack with a…
The Snowman
8.2 26min
The Snowman
This enchanting animated film, directed by Dianne Jackson, tells the heartwarming story of a young boy who builds a snowman that magically comes to life. The narrative unfolds without dialogue,…
Battle Beyond the Stars
5.5 1h 44min
Battle Beyond the Stars
In this 1980 science fiction film directed by Jimmy T. Murakami, a young farmer named Shad embarks on a quest to recruit mercenaries to defend his peaceful planet from the…
Humanoids from the Deep
5.7 1h 20min
Humanoids from the Deep
In this 1980 horror film, a small fishing village is terrorized by mysterious sea creatures that emerge from the depths, wreaking havoc on the community. The plot thickens as the…