Police officer Veronika Gren, portrayed by Alexandra Rapaport, battles a dependency on tablets. When she encounters the apparition of a deceased boy named Sam Herrgård, she begins to doubt her…
Helpless against Adina’s plan, Bill has no choice but to make a risky bet while his comrades prepare for a brutal end. In space, Richard and Juliet realize how close…
Bill investigates more of Catherine’s findings and thwarts the aliens’ deadly plans, but the group finds themselves in danger once again. Meanwhile, a run-in with the aliens ends tragically. Catherine…
Martha unwittingly unleashes a fatal gunfight resulting in severe damage. In the alternate world, Catherine and Sam arrive at their destination, but encounter some unforeseen events. Bill then tries to…
In this atmospheric Danish horror drama, a young woman named Marie, played by Sonia Suhl, experiences a mysterious transformation in her small coastal town. As she grapples with her newfound…