Life in Israel amidst the “Intifada” is marked by suicide bombings, anxieties, and high tensions. A theater director is tasked with staging a new play but finds himself unable to write a single line. Meanwhile, his partner, a documentary filmmaker, is working on a profile of a former soldier who, after starting a business, has gone bankrupt. This man’s life is in shambles: his wife has left him, and his son has moved to Australia. In his desperation, the director decides to hire a private investigator to follow his wife, hoping it will add some excitement to his life. Unbeknownst to him, the detective inadvertently becomes the true creator of the play, which gradually takes shape.
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Haim Bouzaglo
Actors: Amos Lavi, Avi Gilor, Danny Rytenberg, Dor Zweigenbom, Haim Bouzaglo, Haim Znati, Smadar Kilchinsky, Uzi Batish, Ziv Meir, Zufit Grant
Company: Mazel Productions