In this gritty drama, a young man, fresh out of prison, returns to his Mississippi hometown with hopes of starting anew. He becomes entangled with a troubled young woman, played by Riley Keough, who dreams of escaping her own difficult circumstances. The film explores themes of redemption and the struggle to break free from the past. Directed by Hank Bedford, it features a raw and authentic portrayal of life in the American South. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Hank Bedford
Actors: Brad Carter, Chris Zylka, Fabian C. Moreno, Faith Hill, John Clofine, Peter Anaya, Riley Keough, RJ Mitte, Spencer Lofranco, Spencer Rocco Lofranco, Steve Earle
Country: United States of America
Company: Deerjen Films, Graham Avenue Productions