In this high-octane French crime thriller directed by Jan Kounen, a notorious gang led by the charismatic and ruthless leader, played by Vincent Cassel, embarks on a series of audacious heists across Paris. The film is known for its stylish direction and frenetic pace, capturing the chaotic energy of the criminal underworld. Monica Bellucci stars alongside Cassel, adding depth to the ensemble cast. While the film did not receive major awards, it has gained a cult following for its unique visual style and intense action sequences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jan Kounen
Actors: Affif Ben Badra, Antoine Basler, Dominique Bettenfeld, François Levantal, Marc Duret, Monica Bellucci, Pascal Demolon, Romain Duris, Tchéky Karyo, Vincent Cassel
Country: France
Company: Canal+, France 3 Cinéma, La Chauve Souris