Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square
In this heartwarming holiday musical, a small town faces upheaval when a wealthy woman, played by Christine Baranski, returns to evict residents and sell the land. However, the spirit of Christmas, embodied by Dolly Parton as an angel, intervenes to inspire change and redemption. Directed by Debbie Allen, the film features a blend of original songs and dance numbers that capture the festive spirit. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, Music, Musical, TV Movie
Director: Debbie Allen
Actors: Christine Baranski, Dolly Parton, Douglas Sills, Jeanine Mason, Jenifer Lewis, Josh Segarra, Mary Lane Haskell, Matthew Johnson, Selah Kimbro Jones, Treat Williams
Country: United States of America
Company: Magnolia Hill Productions, Sandollar Productions, Warner Bros. Television