Dragon Wars: D-War
In this 2007 fantasy action film, a young man named Ethan discovers that he is destined to protect a woman named Sarah, who holds the power to save the world from an ancient evil. As they navigate a modern-day Los Angeles, they are pursued by mythical creatures and a malevolent force seeking to harness Sarah’s power. The film features Jason Behr and Amanda Brooks in leading roles, with Robert Forster providing a notable supporting performance. Directed by Hyung-rae Shim, the movie is known for its ambitious special effects and epic battle sequences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Hyung-rae Shim
Actors: Aimee Garcia, Amanda Brooks, Billy Gardell, Chris Mulkey, Craig Robinson, Elizabeth Peña, Holmes Osborne, Jason Behr, John Ales, Robert Forster
Country: South Korea
Company: CJ Entertainment, Showbox Entertainment, Younggu-Art Movies
Worldwide Gross: $75,108,817