Drinking Buddies
Set in the vibrant world of a Chicago brewery, this film explores the complexities of friendship and romantic tension between two co-workers, played by Olivia Wilde and Jake Johnson. As they navigate their relationships with their respective partners, portrayed by Anna Kendrick and Ron Livingston, the lines between friendship and romance blur. Directed by Joe Swanberg, the movie is noted for its naturalistic dialogue and improvisational style. While it didn’t receive major awards, it stands out for its authentic portrayal of modern relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Joe Swanberg
Actors: Anna Kendrick, Frank V. Ross, Jake Johnson, Jason Sudeikis, Kristin Davis, Michael Gaertner, Mike Brune, Olivia Wilde, Ron Livingston, Ti West
Country: United States of America
Company: Burn Later Productions, MJW Films
Worldwide Gross: $401,914