Dying of the Light
In this intense thriller, Nicolas Cage stars as Evan Lake, a veteran CIA agent who is forced into retirement due to a terminal illness. However, when he discovers that his long-thought-dead nemesis is still alive, Lake embarks on a rogue mission to track him down. The film is directed by Paul Schrader, known for his work on other gritty narratives. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a gripping exploration of obsession and redemption. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Paul Schrader
Actors: Alexander Karim, Anton Yelchin, Aymen Hamdouchi, Claudius Peters, Derek Ezenagu, Geff Francis, Irène Jacob, Nicolas Cage, Robert G. Slade, Tomiwa Edun
Country: Bahamas, United States of America
Company: Grindstone Entertainment Group, Over Under Media, TinRes Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $697,847