In the latter part of the 1800s, Eadweard Muybridge, known as the pioneer of cinema, becomes deeply engrossed in a project aimed at capturing “the motion of life” in its entirety on film. This grand endeavor is overshadowed by his intense jealousy towards his attractive, young wife, Flora. As he delves further into his work, his suspicions about her loyalty grow, leading to doubts about the true parentage of his son, which ultimately drives him to a breaking point.
Views: 5
Director: Kyle Rideout
Actors: Birkett Turton, Charlie Carrick, Christopher Heyerdahl, Ian Tracey, Jodi Balfour, Jonathon Young, Kett Turton, Michael Eklund, Sara Canning, Torrance Coombs, William Vaughan
Country: Canada
Company: Eadweard Pictures, Motion 58 Entertainment