Earth Girls are Easy
In this quirky sci-fi comedy directed by Julien Temple, a trio of colorful aliens crash-land in the backyard of a California manicurist, played by Geena Davis. As they adapt to life on Earth, the aliens, portrayed by Jeff Goldblum, Jim Carrey, and Damon Wayans, bring chaos and hilarity to the suburban landscape. The film explores themes of love and acceptance amidst its vibrant musical numbers and comedic antics. Notably, the movie features early performances by Carrey and Wayans, who would later become major stars. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Musical, Romance, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Julien Temple
Actors: Charles Rocket, Damon Wayans, Diane Stilwell, Geena Davis, Jeff Goldblum, Jim Carrey, Julie Brown, Larry Linville, Michael McKean, Rick Overton
Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: De Laurentiis Entertainment Group (DEG), Earth Girls, Kestrel Films
Worldwide Gross: $3,916,303