Echoes Of War
Set in the post-Civil War era, this film explores the tension between two families in rural Texas as they struggle with the aftermath of the conflict. The story follows a war veteran, played by James Badge Dale, who returns home to find his family embroiled in a land dispute with a neighboring clan. The film delves into themes of vengeance, loyalty, and the haunting effects of war. It features strong performances from a cast that includes Ethan Embry and William Forsythe. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Thriller, Western
Director: Kane Senes
Actors: Beth Broderick, Ethan Embry, James Badge Dale, Maika Monroe, Owen Teague, Rhys Wakefield, Ryan O'Nan, William Forsythe
Country: United States of America
Company: American Film Productions, Country Club, Provenance Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $7,615