Eight Crazy Nights
In this animated holiday film, Adam Sandler lends his voice to the main character, Davey Stone, a troublemaking alcoholic with a penchant for causing chaos in his small town. As part of his community service, Davey is forced to assist an elderly referee, Whitey Duvall, during the youth basketball league. The story unfolds with comedic antics and heartfelt moments, exploring themes of redemption and the spirit of the holiday season. Directed by Seth Kearsley, the film features Sandler’s signature humor and musical numbers. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 52
Genre: Animation, Christmas, Comedy, Musical
Director: Seth Kearsley
Actors: Adam Sandler, Austin Stout, BanX Banks, Blake Clark, Jackie Sandler, Jared Sandler, Jon Lovitz, Kevin Nealon, Norm Crosby, Rob Schneider, Tyra Banks
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Columbia Pictures, Happy Madison Productions, Meatball Animation
Worldwide Gross: $23,833,131