Elvis And Anabelle
In this romantic drama, a young mortician named Elvis, played by Max Minghella, finds his life intertwined with Anabelle, a beauty queen portrayed by Blake Lively, after a tragic event brings them together. The film explores themes of love, redemption, and the unexpected ways in which lives can change. Directed by Will Geiger, the movie offers a unique blend of romance and introspection. While it did not receive any major awards, it is noted for its heartfelt performances and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Will Geiger
Actors: Blake Lively, Eloise DeJoria, Everett Sifuentes, Joe Mantegna, John Franklin, Keith Carradine, Mary Steenburgen, Max Minghella, Richard Dillard, Wilbur Penn
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Burnt Orange Productions, Goldcrest Films International