Enough Said
In this charming romantic comedy directed by Nicole Holofcener, the story follows Eva, a divorced masseuse played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who embarks on a new relationship with Albert, portrayed by the late James Gandolfini. As their romance blossoms, Eva befriends Marianne, a new client who unknowingly complicates matters with her candid opinions about her ex-husband. The film explores themes of love, trust, and the complexities of relationships with a light-hearted yet poignant touch. Notably, the movie received critical acclaim for its performances and screenplay. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nicole Holofcener
Actors: Ben Falcone, Catherine Keener, Eve Hewson, James Gandolfini, Jessica St. Clair, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Lennie Loftin, Tavi Gevinson, Toni Collette, Tracey Fairaway
Country: United States of America
Company: Fox Searchlight Pictures, Ingenious Media, Searchlight Pictures, TSG Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $25,288,872