In this 1999 heist thriller, a seasoned art thief, played by Sean Connery, finds himself entangled with a cunning insurance investigator portrayed by Catherine Zeta-Jones. The plot unfolds as the two form an uneasy alliance to execute a high-stakes heist, testing their trust and skills against a backdrop of deception and intrigue. Directed by Jon Amiel, the film is noted for its intricate plot and the chemistry between its lead actors. While it didn’t garner any major awards, it remains a memorable entry in the heist genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Romance
Director: Jon Amiel
Actors: Catherine Zeta-Jones, David Yip, Kevin McNally, Madhav Sharma, Maury Chaykin, Sean Connery, Terry O'Neill, Tim Potter, Ving Rhames, Will Patton
Country: Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Fountainbridge Films, New Regency Productions, Twentieth Century Fox
Worldwide Gross: $212,404,396