In “Epicenter,” we follow the story of Amanda Foster, a bold and striking detective in Los Angeles who has hit a rough patch. She’s tasked with safeguarding Nick Constantine, a former mobster who has agreed to testify for the state, from his old criminal associates. On the night she begins her assignment, a catastrophic earthquake strikes the city, compelling Amanda and Nick to navigate through the chaotic and destroyed streets. As they struggle to survive, they are relentlessly hunted by merciless hitmen and crooked police officers.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime
Director: Richard Pepin
Actors: Andrew Francis, Barry W. Levy, Constantin Cotimanis, Daniela Nane, Gary Daniels, Jeff Fahey, Katie Stuart, Mark Holden, Traci Lords, Trevor White
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Media Pro Pictures, PM Entertainment Group