In this intriguing 1987 film, two screenwriters, played by Lars von Trier and Niels Vørsel, find themselves racing against time to complete a script about a devastating plague, only to discover eerie parallels between their fiction and reality. The narrative blurs the lines between the writers’ creative process and the unfolding epidemic, creating a tense and thought-provoking atmosphere. Directed by Lars von Trier, the film is a unique exploration of storytelling and its impact on reality. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Lars von Trier
Actors: Allan De Waal, Claes Kastholm Hansen, Gitte Lind, Lars von Trier, Leif Sabro, Michael Gelting, Michael Simpson, Niels Vørsel, Ole Ernst, Susanne Ottesen, Svend Ali Hamann, Udo Kier
Country: Denmark
Company: Det Danske Filminstitut, Elementfilm A/S
Worldwide Gross: $938