Erik the Viking
In this comedic adventure, a young Viking named Erik embarks on a quest to end the age of Ragnarok and bring peace to his war-torn world. The film, directed by Terry Jones, features a blend of humor and mythology, with a cast that includes Tim Robbins, Mickey Rooney, and John Cleese. As Erik and his crew journey to the mythical land of Hy-Brasil, they encounter a series of whimsical and challenging obstacles. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it is noted for its unique take on Norse mythology and its satirical edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Director: Terry Jones
Actors: Antony Sher, Charles McKeown, Eartha Kitt, Gary Cady, Imogen Stubbs, John Cleese, Mickey Rooney, Terry Jones, Tim Robbins, Tsutomu Sekine
Country: Sweden, United Kingdom
Company: KB Erik the Viking, Prominent Features, Svensk Filmindustri (SF)
Worldwide Gross: $1,932,642