Ernest Goes to School
In this comedic adventure, the beloved character Ernest P. Worrell, played by Jim Varney, finds himself back in the classroom as he attempts to earn his high school diploma. The film follows Ernest’s humorous and often clumsy journey through the educational system, where he encounters a series of misadventures and quirky characters. Directed by Coke Sams, the movie showcases Varney’s signature slapstick humor and charm. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, it remains a nostalgic piece for fans of the Ernest series. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Sport
Director: Coke Sams
Actors: Bill Byrge, Corrine Koslo, Duncan Fraser, Gabe Khouth, Jason Michas, Jim Varney, Linda Kash, Russell Porter, Sarah Chalke, Will Sasso
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Emshell Producers Group, Ernest Partners, Pacific Motion Pictures