Escape Room
In this thrilling psychological horror film directed by Adam Robitel, a group of strangers is invited to participate in a mysterious escape room challenge, only to find themselves trapped in a series of deadly puzzles. As they navigate through increasingly perilous rooms, they must work together to uncover the secrets behind their entrapment and find a way out. The film features a talented ensemble cast, including Taylor Russell and Logan Miller, who deliver compelling performances. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it has been noted for its inventive set designs and suspenseful atmosphere. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Adam Robitel
Actors: Bart Fouche, Cornelius Geaney Jr., Deborah Ann Woll, Jay Ellis, Logan Miller, Nik Dodani, Russell Crous, Taylor Russell, Tyler Labine, Yorick van Wageningen
Country: South Africa, United States of America
Company: Columbia Pictures, Department of Trade and Industry of South Africa, Original Film
Worldwide Gross: $155,712,077