In this 2004 comedy, a group of American teenagers embarks on a wild and unpredictable journey across Europe after a high school graduate, Scott, discovers that his German pen pal is not who he thought. The film features a series of humorous and often outrageous cultural misadventures as the friends travel through iconic European cities. Notable stars include Michelle Trachtenberg and Jacob Pitts, who bring a youthful energy to the ensemble cast. Directed by Alec Berg, the movie is known for its comedic take on the classic road trip genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 34
Genre: Comedy
Director: Alec Berg, David Mandel, Jeff Schaffer
Actors: Dominic Raacke, Jacob Pitts, Jana Pallaske, Jessica Boehrs, Kristin Kreuk, Michelle Trachtenberg, Nial Iskhakov, Scott Mechlowicz, Travis Wester, Vinnie Jones
Country: United States of America
Company: Blue Sea Productions, DreamWorks Pictures, The Montecito Picture Company
Worldwide Gross: $22,605,153