Evangeline, portrayed by Kat de Lieva, steps away from her protected upbringing to start anew at college. As she begins to emerge from her comfort zone, she catches the eye of a dangerous fraternity leader, played by Richard Harmon, along with his two accomplices. After being brutally attacked and left on the brink of death, Evangeline becomes ensnared in a supernatural ordeal, torn between the paths of redemption and revenge. To survive, she realizes she must confront the most terrifying decision of her life.
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Karen Lam
Actors: Kat de Lieva, Katerina Katelieva, Kelvin Redvers, Natalie Grace, Richard Harmon, Rikki Gagne
Country: Canada
Company: Opiate Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $142,044