Everyday I Love You
In this romantic drama directed by Mae Czarina Cruz, the story revolves around a young woman torn between two men, each representing different paths in her life. The film stars popular actors Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil, whose chemistry adds depth to the narrative. As the protagonist navigates her feelings and life choices, the film explores themes of love, destiny, and self-discovery. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it remains a beloved piece among fans of Filipino cinema. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mae Cruz-Alviar
Actors: Aiko Melendez, Ariel Rivera, Carla Martinez, Carmina Villarroel, Enrique Gil, Eva Darren, Gerald Anderson, Liza Lorena, Liza Soberano, Marissa Delgado
Country: Philippines
Company: ABS-CBN Film Productions, Star Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $2,212,624