In this darkly comedic horror film directed by Richard Bates Jr., a disturbed and socially awkward high school student named Pauline, played by AnnaLynne McCord, navigates her tumultuous family life and her obsession with surgery. The film explores themes of adolescence, mental illness, and the quest for acceptance, all while maintaining a macabre sense of humor. Notable performances include Traci Lords as Pauline’s overbearing mother and Ariel Winter as her ailing sister. The film is known for its striking visual style and has garnered a cult following for its unique blend of horror and dark comedy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Richard Bates Jr.
Actors: AnnaLynne McCord, Ariel Winter, Jeremy Sumpter, John Waters, Malcolm McDowell, Marlee Matlin, Matthew Gray Gu, Matthew Gray Gubler, Ray Wise, Roger Bart, Traci Lords
Country: United States of America
Company: Anchor Bay Films, New Normal Films
Worldwide Gross: $2,757