Eye of the Needle
Set against the backdrop of World War II, this gripping thriller follows a German spy, played by Donald Sutherland, who is on a mission to uncover the Allies’ plans for the D-Day invasion. As he makes his way across England, he becomes entangled with a lonely woman, portrayed by Kate Nelligan, on a remote island, leading to a tense and suspenseful confrontation. Directed by Richard Marquand, the film is noted for its atmospheric tension and strong performances. While it did not receive major awards, it remains a compelling watch for fans of espionage dramas. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller, War
Director: Richard Marquand
Actors: Alex McCrindle, Barbara Ewing, Christopher Cazenove, David Hayman, Donald Sutherland, Faith Brook, Ian Bannen, Kate Nelligan, Philip Martin Brown, Stephen MacKenna
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Kings Road Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $17,583,634