In this 2009 musical drama, a group of talented students navigates the challenges and triumphs of attending a prestigious performing arts high school in New York City. The film follows their journey as they strive to achieve their dreams in dance, music, and acting, highlighting the dedication and perseverance required to succeed in the competitive world of entertainment. Directed by Kevin Tancharoen, the movie features a cast that includes Kelsey Grammer, Megan Mullally, and Bebe Neuwirth. While it did not receive major awards, it offers a vibrant portrayal of youthful ambition and artistic passion. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Music, Musical, Romance
Director: Kevin Tancharoen
Actors: Anna Maria Perez de Tagle, Asher Book, Bebe Neuwirth, Cody Longo, Collins Pennie, Kay Panabaker, Kherington Payne, Kristy Flores, Krystal Ellsworth, Megan Mullally, Naturi Naughton, Paul Iacono, Paul McGill, Tiffany Espensen, Walter Perez
Country: United States of America
Company: Lakeshore Entertainment, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), United Artists
Worldwide Gross: $77,211,836