Family Guy Presents: Blue Harvest
In this animated parody, the Griffin family from the popular TV show “Family Guy” takes on the iconic roles from the original “Star Wars” film, with Peter as Han Solo, Lois as Princess Leia, and Stewie as Darth Vader. The film humorously retells the classic space adventure with a comedic twist, staying true to the irreverent style of the series. Directed by Dominic Polcino, the special is known for its clever references and spot-on character portrayals. Notably, it was well-received for its creativity and humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Genre: Animation, Comedy, TV Movie
Director: Dominic Polcino, James Purdum, Peter Shin
Actors: Alex Borstein, Lori Alan, Mark Hentemann, Mike Henry, Mila Kunis, Phil LaMarr, Rush Limbaugh, Seth Green, Seth MacFarlane, Tom Baker
Country: United States of America
Company: 20th Century Fox Television, Fox Television Animation, Fuzzy Door Productions