Set against the stark, snow-covered landscape of Minnesota, this film follows the unraveling of a crime gone awry. A financially desperate car salesman, played by William H. Macy, hatches a plan to have his wife kidnapped to extort a hefty ransom from his wealthy father-in-law. However, the scheme spirals out of control, drawing the attention of a persistent and pregnant police chief, portrayed by Frances McDormand. Directed by Joel Coen, the film is celebrated for its dark humor and unique storytelling, earning McDormand an Academy Award for Best Actress. This critically acclaimed work can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Top250Movies
Director: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Actors: Bruce Bohne, Frances McDormand, Harve Presnell, John Carroll Lynch, Kristin Rudrüd, Peter Stormare, Stephen Park, Steve Buscemi, Steve Park, Steve Reevis, William H. Macy
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Working Title Films
Worldwide Gross: $60,611,975