Directed by Peter Weir, this 1993 drama stars Jeff Bridges as Max Klein, a man who survives a catastrophic plane crash and emerges with a new, fearless outlook on life. As he grapples with his altered perception, he forms a poignant connection with fellow survivor Carla, played by Rosie Perez, who is struggling with her own trauma. The film delves into themes of existentialism and the human condition, offering a profound exploration of life and death. Rosie Perez’s performance earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Peter Weir
Actors: Benicio del Toro, Daniel Cerny, Deirdre O'Connell, Isabella Rossellini, Jeff Bridges, John de Lancie, John Turturro, Rosie Perez, Spencer Vrooman, Tom Hulce
Country: United States of America
Company: Spring Creek Productions, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $6,995,302