Fender Bender
In this suspenseful horror film directed by Mark Pavia, a young woman named Hilary, played by Makenzie Vega, finds herself in a terrifying situation after a minor car accident. The plot unfolds as she becomes the target of a relentless and mysterious stalker who uses the fender bender as an opportunity to invade her life. The film builds tension through its atmospheric setting and chilling narrative. While it may not have received any major awards, it offers a gripping experience for horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mark Pavia
Actors: Bill Sage, Cassidy Freeman, Dre Davis, Harrison Sim, Kelsey Leos Montoya, Lora Martinez-Cunningham, Makenzie Vega, Steven Michael Quezada
Country: United States of America
Company: BCD Travel, Brainstorm Media, EchoWolf Productions, Electric Entertainment