Fight Club
In this 1999 film, an insomniac office worker, played by Edward Norton, forms an underground fight club with a soap salesman, portrayed by Brad Pitt, as a form of male bonding and rebellion against consumer culture. Helena Bonham Carter also stars, adding depth to the narrative with her complex character. Directed by David Fincher, the movie delves into themes of identity, masculinity, and societal disillusionment. Although it did not win major awards upon release, it has since gained a cult following and is noted for its innovative storytelling and visual style. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 112
Genre: Drama, Most Rewatchable, Top250Movies
Director: David Fincher
Actors: Brad Pitt, David Andrews, Edward Norton, Eion Bailey, Helena Bonham Carter, Holt McCallany, Jared Leto, Meat Loaf, Richmond Arquette, Zach Grenier
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Fox 2000 Pictures, Linson Films, New Regency Productions
Worldwide Gross: $101,321,009