Finding Amanda
In this 2008 comedy-drama, a television writer named Taylor Mendon, played by Matthew Broderick, embarks on a mission to rescue his niece from a life of vice in Las Vegas. The film explores themes of addiction and redemption as Taylor confronts his own personal demons while trying to save Amanda, portrayed by Brittany Snow. Directed by Peter Tolan, the movie offers a blend of humor and heartfelt moments. Although it didn’t receive any major awards, it features notable performances from its lead actors. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Peter Tolan
Actors: Bill Fagerbakke, Brittany Snow, Daniel Roebuck, Ed Begley Jr., Lester Speight, Matthew Broderick, Maura Tierney, Patrick Fischler, Peter Facinelli, Steve Coogan
Country: United States of America
Company: Capacity Pictures, MJ Films, The Cloudland Company
Worldwide Gross: $77,410