Fireflies In The Garden
In this poignant family drama, the complexities of familial relationships are explored through the lens of a tragic accident that brings a family together. The film features a stellar cast, including Julia Roberts, Ryan Reynolds, and Willem Dafoe, who deliver compelling performances that delve into themes of forgiveness and reconciliation. Directed by Dennis Lee, the narrative weaves between past and present, revealing the intricate dynamics and hidden tensions within the family. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a thoughtful examination of personal and familial growth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Drama
Director: Dennis Lee
Actors: Carrie-Anne Moss, Cayden Boyd, Chase Ellison, Emily Watson, Hayden Panettiere, Ioan Gruffudd, Julia Roberts, Ryan Reynolds, Shannon Lucio, Willem Dafoe
Country: United States of America
Company: Kulture Machine, Senator Entertainment Co
Worldwide Gross: $6,692,182