Set in 1960s London, this heist drama follows the unlikely partnership between a disgruntled janitor and a determined executive at the London Diamond Corporation. Starring Demi Moore and Michael Caine, the film explores themes of gender inequality and corporate greed as the duo devises a plan to steal a fortune in diamonds. Directed by Michael Radford, the movie offers a gripping narrative with strong performances from its lead actors. While it didn’t receive major awards, it remains a captivating watch for fans of the genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael Radford
Actors: David Barras, Demi Moore, Derren Nesbitt, Joss Ackland, Kate Maravan, Lambert Wilson, Michael Caine, Nathaniel Parker, Nicholas Jones, Shaughan Seymour, Silas Carson
Country: Luxembourg, United Kingdom
Company: Hyde Park International, Magnolia Pictures, Pierce/Williams Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $6,819,587