In this 1985 comedy, Chevy Chase stars as an investigative journalist who goes undercover to unravel a complex web of crime and corruption. The film, directed by Michael Ritchie, showcases Chase’s comedic talent as he adopts various disguises and personas to gather information for his story. With a blend of humor and mystery, the movie keeps audiences engaged as the protagonist navigates a series of unexpected twists. Although it didn’t win any major awards, it remains a cult classic for its witty dialogue and Chase’s charismatic performance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael Ritchie
Actors: Bill Henderson, Chevy Chase, Dana Wheeler-Nicholson, Geena Davis, George Wendt, Joe Don Baker, Kenneth Mars, M. Emmet Walsh, Richard Libertini, Tim Matheson
Country: United States of America
Company: Universal Pictures, Vincent Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $59,612,888