Flower and Snake
In this 2004 film directed by Takashi Ishii, the story delves into the complex and dark world of power dynamics and human desires. The plot centers around a woman who becomes entangled in a web of manipulation and control, exploring themes of submission and dominance. The film is known for its intense and provocative narrative, featuring Aya Sugimoto in a leading role. While it did not receive any major awards, it stands out for its bold storytelling and visual style. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Director: Takashi Ishii
Actors: Aya Sugimoto, Ito Yozaburo, Ken'ichi EndĂ´, Misaki Mori, Naoki Matsuda, Renji Ishibashi, Shigeo Kobayashi, Shun Nakayama, Tomoo Yageta, Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi
Country: Japan
Company: Femme Fatale, Toei Video Company