In this comedic crime caper directed by Rob Minkoff, a seemingly ordinary bank becomes the unlikely battleground for two separate groups of robbers who attempt to pull off heists simultaneously. The film stars Patrick Dempsey and Ashley Judd, who find themselves caught in the chaos, leading to a series of unexpected twists and turns. As the plot unfolds, the characters must navigate a web of confusion and deception, all while trying to figure out who is behind the heists. This entertaining blend of humor and suspense can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Rob Minkoff
Actors: Ashley Judd, Curtis Armstrong, Jeffrey Tambor, John Ventimiglia, Matt Ryan, Mekhi Phifer, Patrick Dempsey, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Rob Huebel, Tim Blake Nelson
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Foresight Unlimited, Shifting Gears Productions, The Safran Company
Worldwide Gross: $4,453,634